This bibliography was made to help researchers have easy access to the most recent research available. If you scroll to the right you can see which of the papers are open source (in the "paywall" column, if there is an "O" it means the paper is free to access). Scroll further to the right and you will see more information on each of the VE researched. The terminology used here is "Virtual Exchange" with "DLVE being dual language VE and ELF VE or LF VE being English as a lingua franca VE or other language as a lingua franca. You can see why this terminology was used in this publication.You should also note the tabs at the very bottom of this list showing other research on VE such as chapters and books. If you see a mistake, want to add to this or wish to become involved with this, please email to get involved.

Last modified: Monday, 29 July 2024, 1:47 PM